
Nehemiah: An Expositional Commentary is unavailable, but you can change that!

Nehemiah was a great leader. According to James Montgomery Boice, Nehemiah's leadership abilities were born from his submission to God, his ability to focus on the right goals, his wisdom in handling complex situations, and his courage to act decisively. "But the most important thing about Nehemiah," says Boice, "is that he was a man of God, and because he was so close to God in prayer and...

One day a farmer, who was a Quaker, was having trouble with his mule. He was trying to plow his field, and the mule was being unusually stubborn. He wouldn’t move. So the Quaker decided to talk to him “reasonably.” He said, “Thou knowest I am a Quaker. Thou knowest I can’t curse thee. Thou knowest I can’t whip thee. What thou does not know is that I can sell thee to my neighbor down the road. He is no Quaker, and he can beat the living daylights out of thee.” We all have faced situations in which
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